Aired on Encore network stations in the United States.

Media Blasters under its own AnimeWorks tag developed the anime series in 2003. Samurai Deeper Kyo was shortly afterwards acquired by Del Rey Manga, who have completed the series. However Kodansha allowed its licensing contracts to expire, from continuing the English adaptation of this set, preventing Tokyopop. Yuya Shiina, une jeune chasseuse de prime. The manga has been acquired by Tokyopop at 2002. Au début dun 17ème siècle alternatif, les rônins errent et tentent de se reconvertir dans un Japon qui na plus besoin deux. Both the manga and anime are licensed in the Uk, Canada, and the United States. The Studio Deen production aired for a total of 26 events, before December 2-3, 2002. The manga was adapted into an animated television series in 2002. Samurai Deeper Kyo has been serialized from Octoto at Kodansha's Weekly Sh?nen Magazine, and collected within 38 volumes. Kyo is joined by the bountyhunter Shiina Yuya, the heir. Samurai Deeper Kyou Suatu hari, pada tahun 1600, saat itu dijepang telah terjadi perang yang bernama Sekigahara, dimana pertempuran tersebut merupakan pertempuran terhebat dan brutal dalam sejarah, yakni pertarungan antara dua orang legendaris, salah satu pihak bernama Kyoushirou Mibu, seorang yang trampil, teladan dan juga. Set throughout the Edo period of Japan's history, Samurai Deeper Kyo follows Demon Eyes Kyo, a feared samurai seeking to recover his own body after his soul is sealed inside your body of the rival, Mibu Kyoshiro.