Xbox one clearing alternate mac address
Xbox one clearing alternate mac address

This also temporarily fixed it for an hour and then it started to disconnect again. Next day and he said to set my IP settings to manual as well and fill in the IP addresses. This temporarily fixed the issue for about a good hour until it started disconnecting again. NOTE: If you're still having issues with the game after trying the above troubleshooting method, please do the. Go to Settings > Network > Advanced Settings > Alternate MAC address > Clear MAC address. I talked to one of the Microsoft live chat helpers and they said to set my DNS to manual with the primary as and the secondary as 8.8.4. Turn your console back on by pressing the Xbox button on the console or the Xbox button on your controller. Would the Xbox One X have the same problem? I'm trying to avoid using a wired connection to the modem. In the past months once in a while but not continuously every 10-15 minutes. The DNS report seems to be fine as well since the Wireless Strength is a 100%, so what's the problem? It's disconnected a few times

xbox one clearing alternate mac address

Is there something wrong with my Xbox? I tested the WiFi connecting and multiplayer connection and it said it was all good. Even when I am not playing a game and just talking in a party it will continue to disconnect. So recently in the past few days, my Xbox would disconnect from Xbox Live and reconnect seconds after it has logged me out of a game and disconnect me from a party.

Xbox one clearing alternate mac address